Conflict of Interest Policy
1. Because a director and employee must act in the bestinterest of the corporation, it is necessary to disclose any facts that may cause thedirector or employee to be unable or appear to be unable to fully fulfill his or her dutyof loyalty to the corporation.
2. An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when adirector or employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in adirect or indirect personal gain for the director or employee or his/her immediate family. For purposes of this policy,“immediate family” is defined as a spouse, mother-or father-in-law, sister-orbrother-in-law, child, grandchild, sibling, parent, step-parent, or anyindividual sharing the same home.
3. Any director or employee must disclose any actual or potential conflictof interest when the corporation considers a transaction. Once identified, theaffected director or employee will recuse themselves from the issue at hand.
4. Directors and employees will disclose annually at eachannual board meeting any potential conflicts of interest using the attached disclosure form.
I have seen and confirm I do not have any conflict of interest other than listed below:
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